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Governance Committees

Governance Committees

The Governing Body meets at least six times per an academic year to consider the strategic aspects impacting the school and the pupils. 


The Quality of Education Committee meets three times per academic year.  The core functions are to oversee the educational performance of the school, including matters relating to pupil progress and achievement, the quality of teaching and learning, teaching staff further development, and the development and delivery of the school curriculum offer. The Chair of the Quality of Education is Yemisi Olusanya.


The Resources Committee meets three times per academic year. The core functions are to oversee and monitor compliance with statutory obligations under School Governance, DfE, Luton Borough Council and Data Protection. This includes the financial performance (value for money) of the school, human resources issues (efficient, effective employment/deployment), premises, health and safety and, general organisation and administration of the school including GDPR, data protection and freedom of information. The Resources Committee is granted delegated authority to authorise in-year amendments /revisions to the school budget plan, virements between budgetary headings, purchases and contracts in line with the scheme of delegation. The Chair of the Resources Committee is Baldev Salan.


The Pay Committee meets once per academic year, in the autumn term, to assist in setting the school's pay policy, determine staff remuneration and review the targets for performance related pay. The Chair of the Pay Committee is Baldev Salan.


The Headteacher's Appraisal Panel meets once per academic year, in the autumn term, to set objectives for the Headteacher, appraise the performance of the Headteacher and assess their performance in the role against the Headteacher Standards and their performance objectives. The Chair of the Headteacher's Appraisal Panel is Yemisi Olusanya.


There are four Committees that meet on an adhoc basis linked to discipline and appeals for both pupils and staff. At Pirton Hill Primary School, these Committees rarely meet but form part of the governance structure.

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