The school year might have been cut short,
With Coronavirus spoiling our fun,
But watch Evil Mr Booth's Ultimate Guide to destroying a bug
With a countdown from twelve to one...
The High Life
Two hundred and forty-two were saved this term,
Only four bugs were left to squirm,
And an unexpected knock on the door,
Gave some hope to the unloved four.
Had the Evil Mr Booth turned over a new leaf?
Was this the end of the poor bugs grief?
Was their escape meant to be?
Or were they barking up the wrong tree?
Bugs no S'more
The most bugs ever were saved this term,
So it was just down to just two to squirm,
And shake and to face their truth,
A Christmas away with Evil Mr Booth.
A chance to escape during the festive cheer,
A Mars Bar, some Love Hearts or a can of beer?
A safe, secret place – perfect to hide,
That is, until, Mr Booth went outside.
He shivered in his lair because of the cold,
He seemed to feel more now, now that he was getting old.
What did that evil villain have in store?
All we know is that the bugs are no s’more…
Bug Bite
It`s Halloween! It`s Halloween!
The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can`t be seen
on any other night:
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls,
Grinning goblins fighting duels,
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms
So brace yourself, don`t be scared
read your book and be prepared.
Oh no! A long and bloody tooth......
Could this be the Evil DracuBooth?