Beyond the curriculum (Developing the whole child)
At Pirton Hill Primary we have a huge amount of talented pupils and believe that they should be given every opportunity to develop their skills and reach their potential. The school offers a comprehensive range of academic and sporting clubs which allows pupils to develop their skills, confidence, self-esteem and teamwork.
Sporting clubs are organised by a designated P.E. teacher who works with a range of external coaches to ensure the pupils develop their physical skills. The school participates in a wide variety of sporting competitions and fixtures and understands that being part of a team instils important values and beliefs into students who participate.
This half term the school will continue to run a choir club, cooking club and drama club.
Monday | Dodgeball (20 spaces) | 8:00 - 8:45am | 5&6 | Mr Noel |
Athletics (20 spaces) | 3.20 - 4.30pm | 3&4 | Mr Noel | |
Multi-Games (20 spaces) | 3.20 - 4.30pm | 1&2 | Think Sports | |
Chess (20 spaces) | 3.20 - 4.30pm | 3,4,5&6 | Mr Murphy | |
Tuesday | Multi-Skills (20 spaces) | 8:00 - 8:45am | 1&2 | Mr Noel |
Tag Rugby (20 spaces) | 3.20 - 4.30pm | 5&6 | Mr Noel | |
Wednesday | Athletics (20 spaces) | 3.20 - 4.30pm | 5&6 | Mr Noel |
Tag Rugby (20 spaces) | 3.20 - 4.30pm | 3&4 | Think Sports | |
Thursday | Choir (25 spaces) | 3.20 - 4.15pm | 3,4,5&6 | Mr Newport |
Friday | Dodgeball (20 spaces) | 8:00 - 8:45am | 3&4 | Think Sports |
Netball (20 spaces) – Girls Only | 8:00 - 8:45am | 5&6 | Mr Noel |