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Curriculum Overview

The overall aim of our curriculum is to open doors of opportunity for our children


All children have a range of futures open to them based on a number of factors including their experiences, the support that they have received and their attainment. Our curriculum aims to ensure that no doors are closed to the children while they are with us and new doors (which were previously not accessible) are opened.  


We recognise that the skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing and mathematics are the key to opening many doors in the future - without these a child's chances will be limited as they move on in education and the world.  


However, we also recognise the importance the wider curriculum - including the sciences, humanities and the arts, as well as other key areas such as PE, PSHE, SRE and healthy lifestyles (including food technology) - and developing the children's underlying attitudes towards learning and their learning behaviours.    


For Years 1 - 6, our wider curriculum is based around the children working towards, and earning, unique badges for each term.



A summary of how we devised our curriculum, and our rationale behind it, is available here: The Story of our Curriculum


The following documents are aimed to give you a flavour of what we intend the children to learn in each year group and how we will implement it. 

We were an "Early Adopter" school for the new Early Years curriculum and, as a result, our Curriculum Intent for Nursery and Reception was developed throughout 2020/21.  These documents show the curriculum coverage, and planned progression of knowledge and skills, towards the new EYFS Early Learning Goals.  


The school has also developed "milestones", based on these intent documents, to track progress during the year to to check that every child is on track to achieve a good level of development. 

These documents may be revised during 2021/22 depending on further guidance from the DfE.    

Enhanced Curriculum

Please also visit the following pages on our website to see how we further broaden our curriculum: 


Under 'Clubs and Community' Tab: 

  • Beyond the Curriculum - outlines the extensive range of before and after school clubs that we offer
  • Competitions - celebrates our successes in a range of competitions
  • Family Learning - This shows the additional opportunities that we have in place for children and parents to learning alongside each other.  The majority of this is provided by ACE.
  • Music - Provides the resources for our choir / musicians to rehearse at home for their annual performances at Luton Airport, the O2 (Greenwich) and our Christmas / Summer Fairs. 


Under the 'Newsletters' Tab: 

  • Hot School Meals - outlines the many ways we use food to enhance and broaden our curriculum

Relationship and Sex Education Policy

The RSE Policy contains:

  • a detailed break down of what is covered in each lesson, in each year group (Appendix 3a); 
  • the statutory Science Programme of Study (Appendix 3b);
  • the statutory Relationships Programme of Study (Appendix 3c); and
  • the statutory Physical Health and Mental Well-being Programme of Study (Appendix 3d)


Appendix 5 of the policy is a useful Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet, produced by Luton Borough Council. 


Further information is available below: 

Year 6 SATs Parents Information

don't forget to pre-order your child's hot school dinners on SchoolGrid

Welcome to our School

On behalf of all the staff, governors and children, welcome to our website which will give you a flavour of our school if you have any further enquiries then please contact the school.

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