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Summer 1

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Another half term and another chance for all of the children in Years 3-6 to do their home, achieve their Accelerated Reader Target and save a bug...

Did they all do it or has the Evil Mr Booth been up to his old (prehistoric) tricks again?

Spring 2

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Spring 1

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Another half term of reading at home and striving to achieve Accelerated Reader targets... Did everyone save a bug?

Autumn 2

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Another half term, another Reading Bug for all of our Year 3 to Year 6 children to save by reading at home and achieving their Accelerated Reader target...

Did they all do it?

Autumn 1

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It is a new school year but the Evil Mr Booth is back!

Was this the half term where all of the children in Key Stage 2 did their homework, achieved their target and saved a bug?

You will have to watch to found out...
don't forget to pre-order your child's hot school dinners on SchoolGrid

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On behalf of all the staff, governors and children, welcome to our website which will give you a flavour of our school if you have any further enquiries then please contact the school.

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  • Chiltern18298
  • Griffin22934
  • Hatters21058
  • Lea20087
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