We are really excited to announce that Dawn Until Dusk, an Ofsted Outstanding provider of wraparound care and holiday clubs, will once again be running a holiday club at Pirton Hill Primary School. The club will run in the Easter holidays - Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th April 2023 from 10-2pm.
The HAF programme is funded by the Government and provides completely FREE holiday clubs for children who are entitled to income-related free school meals. Eligible families can book a completely FREE place at as many of the club sessions as they would like to attend and their child will receive a cooked meal at lunchtime each day and have access to a wide range of fun activities provided by Dawn Until Dusk.
The HAF club at Pirton Hill Primary will run over the first week of the Easter holidays on Mondays to Thursdays, from 10.00am to 2.00pm each day:
Booking information
You must book your child’s place direct with Dawn Until Dusk at https://kidsdawntildusk.co.uk/holiday-club-bedfordshire/
On page two of the booking form you will be asked for a HAF entitlement code. If your child is eligible for free school meals, please contact the School Office to obtain the booking code.
Please note that the clubs will be run by Dawn Until Dusk using our premises and aimed at Pirton Hill pupils, but are otherwise completely independent of the school.