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Action Needed - Hot school Meals (5/12/23)

Parents / carers will have received an email from 'SchoolGrid: No Reply' today giving them a link to their SchoolGrid account.


The email was sent to the parent / carer who is the 'priority contact' on our system (this is based on the admission form you complete when your child starts school) and has been sent to the email address that you have provided the school.


The link is only valid for 24 hours - so it is important that you activate your account today!


All children will be bringing home a leaflet today about how to activate your account and provide information on allergies on SchoolGrid


From 1st January, all meals will need to be pre-ordered by parents / carers (including those for children on Free School Meals and those in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - who get government-funded mealsso it is essential that you activate your account.


If you have any problems / questions, please ask at the School Office.

don't forget to pre-order your child's hot school dinners on SchoolGrid

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