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Sports Premium Funding

Government Sport Premium Funding 

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding. To find out more information about the Government Sport Funding please

Sports Premium Action Plan 2022-2023

Due to the disruption to learning last year (2021/22) it was not possible to fully evaluate the 2021/22 Sports Premium Plan. 


However, some of the key positives that the funding enabled were:

  • Resources (inc. fencing) to allow all children to have at least 30 minutes access to outdoor exercise every day;
  • Class resource sets (for lunchtimes) - for use when classes were in bubbles; 
  • Additional swimming lessons for classes who missed out during the Covid disruption (March - July 2020);
  • The school providing 30mins of PE lessons every day during remote learning;
  • Additional time for the subject leader to update the planning to align it to the PHPS Curriculum; 
  • Internal sports competitions (e.g. sports day) to take place, even though external events were not. 
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  • Chiltern18298
  • Griffin22934
  • Hatters21058
  • Lea20087
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