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Pupil Premium

This year, we have received £237,000 for Pupil Premium funding.
Please find below our Pupil Premium strategy statement to view this years’ actions.

Recovery Premium Funding (April 2022 - March 2023)


As part of the government's funding to support schools post-covid, Pirton Hill will receive a one-off grant of £26,000 to support the education of those children entitled to Pupil Premium funding. This is called Recovery Premium Funding.


In order to use this grant in the best possible way, we have considered the research and advice provided by the Education Endowment Fund and used internal assessments of the children's needs (academic, social, behavioural and emotional) to inform our decisions. 


Our priorities are:

  • Supporting the development of "great teaching" for all children, but particularly those entitled to Pupil Premium and those PP children who have the potential to work at greater depth; 
  • Supporting high quality teaching, and outcomes, for writing; 
  • Building on the success of the 2021 Summer Challenge, supporting all children, but particularly those entitled to Pupil Premium, to fill personalised learning gaps (in English or Maths) through a 2022 Summer Challenge;
  • Developing the vocabulary of those entitled to Pupil Premium, particularly in Early Years (NELI programme) Key Stage 2 (Bedrock programme);
  • Supporting access to the curriculum for the lowest achieving children, particularly those entitled to Pupil Premium, through the use of symbols to support reading (Widget);
  • Provide opportunities for all children, but particularly those entitled to Pupil Premium, to have "taster" sessions for non-core curriculum topics that were missed or cut-short due to the closure periods; 
  • Supporting the Mental Health of all children, but particularly those entitled to Pupil Premium, through staff training; and 
  • Supporting the specific emotional needs of identified children entitled to Pupil Premium through the delivery of specific nurture programmes. 


These priorities compliment and support the provisions outlined in the Pupil Premium Strategy for 2021-22. 

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