Commitment to Excellent Attendance
At Pirton Hill Primary we believe in children reaching their full potential, to acheive this it starts with children being in school and having excellent attendance.
School Day
Doors Open: 8:45am Doors Close: 8:55am Registration: 8:55am
(Reception – Year 3 pupils should be handed over to the class teacher at the classroom door)
Lunchtime Playtimes
Reception: 11:45am – 12:45pm
Y1: 12:00 – 1:00pm; Y2: 12.15 – 1.15pm Yrs 1 & 2: 10:30am – 10:45am
Yrs 3 & 4: 12:00pm – 1:00pm Yrs 3 & 4: 10:15am - 10:30am
Yrs 5 & 6: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Yrs 5 & 6: 11:15am – 11:30am
School Ends
Nursery: 12.00pm
Reception, Years 1 & 2: 3:15pm Yrs. 3, 4, 5 & 6: 3:20pm
Total weekly hours (including breaks but not after-school activities):
Nursery - 15 hours
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - 32 hours 30 minutes
Year 3 - Year 6 - 34 hours 45 minutes
Supporting Good Attendance
Our commitment includes:
· Rewarding pupils who attend well and are punctual. This will be through our new reward system of:
o Weekly Achievement Assemblies
o Termly Prizes from the Pirton Hill ‘Pop-Up’ Shop
o Mystery ‘Pop-Up’ Family Prizes
o End of Year Treats!
· Contacting you if we have concerns about the attendance levels of your child.
· Offering support and guidance on how to achieve excellent attendance.
· Working closely with the Education Welfare Officer for support, whilst also ensuring families are clear on expectations and/or penalties for unauthorised absences.
· Abiding by Government rules regarding holiday term-time requests.
How rewards will work – Prizes!
Your child will be able to earn prizes from the new ‘Pop-Up Shop’ that will appear at the end of each term! Dependent on the required individual attendance figure being achieved, they will be able to select from an array of prizes (i.e. stationery, stickers, pocket money toys etc.) in recognition of this commitment to their education. We will be using the attendance guidelines that appear on your child’s class report as follows:
Green Attendance – (98% -100%) – Pupils achieving this by the end of each term will be able to choose 2 prizes. |
Yellow Attendance – (96% - 97.9%) - Pupils achieving this by the end of each term will be able to choose 1 prize. |
Amber & Red Attendance – (<96%) - Pupils achieving this by the end of the term will not be able to choose a prize but are encouraged to work towards improving their attendance during the following term. |
In addition to this incentive your son/daughter will also be in with a chance to win the following:
· Weekly Class Chocolate Prizes – These are still up for grabs, awarded during reward assemblies.
· Pop-Up Mystery Family Prizes – i.e. Family Days Out, Supermarket Vouchers, Meal Offers etc. Families will be informed of these and how to win them at different times throughout the year.
· End of Year Treats for 100% Attendance – Details to be announced nearer the time.
How the support will work:
Should your child’s attendance, or regular ‘late’ marks, become a concern, you will be offered the opportunity of a school meeting to discuss any issues and how we can work together to improve this. At this stage it is likely you will be asked to supply medical evidence and/or home visits will be conducted to enable us to authorise any absence. At this stage we will also seek support from other agencies e.g. school nursing, health visitors or the Early Help Team. If your child’s attendance fails to improve, you will be required to meet with the Education Welfare Officer, where further strategies will be implemented to improve attendance.
As a school we believe this commitment demonstrates our belief that regular attendance throughout the year is essential to every child’s success. And, as parents, we hope you will support and encourage your child to reach the highest possible attendance so you too can be a part of helping them to achieve their true academic potential.