Welcome to our Governing Body
The Governors at Pirton Hill Primary School are very proud to take an active part in school life. Our aim is to ensure that the pupils at Pirton Hill are able to achieve to the best of their ability. and have a wonderful experience of the school.
The Governing Body works with the senior leaders in the strategic development of the school. They support the Headteacher and staff as well as offering constructive challenge ensuring that the school achieves the very best it can for all pupils.
The three key core functions of the Governors are that the:
If you would like to contact a member of our Governing Body, please do so by sending your written correspondence to: Chair of Governing Body, Yemisi Olusanya, Pirton Hill Primary School, Butely Road, Luton, LU4 9EX.
Alternatively, you may wish to email:
Yemisi Olusanya, Chair of Governing Body via the clerk at clerk@pirtonhill.co.uk
Michelle Francis-Joseph, Governance Professional at clerk@pirtonhill.co.uk
Laura Forgham, Governance Clerk at clerk@pirtonhill.co.uk