This week we have asked our Year 1 - 6 children to think about what they want to do when they grow up. Our children aspire to be doctors, lawyers, teachers, mechanics, architects, delivery drivers, zoo keepers, hairdressers, artists... the list goes on...
In assembly on the Friday, Mr Booth talked about his upbringing - from his childhood council-house home to static caravan holidays in Great Yarmouth - and his ambition to be a teacher... which meant he had to go to university, something nobody in his family had done and something his parents could not afford. 😢
However, through their encouragement, the good habits that they instilled in him and by earning money by stacking pet food onto supermarket shelves every evening during Years 10-13, he was able to go to university, be the first in his family to achieve a degree and fulfil his dream...
So, there is no reason why our children cannot achieve their ambitions...
However, if we want our children to fulfil their potential it is essential that we help them to develop the same good learning habits, including:
And we know children who pass their KS2 SATs (reading, writing and Maths) are more likely to pass their GCSEs - which will be crucial in them achieving their ambitions.
And this desire to help the children to fulfil their potential, and achieve their ambitions, underpin all we do - including our Green Postcards and our homework expectations.
And we know that you, as parents / carers want the same for your child(ren).
We are going to display all of the children's ambitions in school - but please spend a few minutes talking about it with them over this weekend.
Thank you for supporting the school as we work together to help your child to fulfil their potential and achieve their dreams.