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Behaviour Policy - UPDATED

The governors have recently reviewed and updated the school's behaviour policy - which will come into effect from Easter 2020. 


The vast majority of our approach is unchanged. Our high expectations, and the Behaviour Levels which underpin the whole policy, are the same. 




At this level, a child is exhibiting brilliant behaviour and outstanding learning behaviours. :-)

A range of rewards may be used. 



At this level, a child is exhibiting the expected behaviour and learning behaviours.

A range of low-level rewards may be used. 



At this level, a child is falling just below our expectations and will be reminded of expected behaviour and may receive a small sanction.



At this level, the poor behaviour choice is more serious. The child will get a sanction and the teacher will notify the parent / carer.  



At this level, the poor behaviour choice is serious. The child will get a greater sanction, a school leader will notify the parent / carer and behaviour plan for the child may be out in place.  



At this level, the poor behaviour choice is very serious and the sanctions match the severity of the behaviours; outside agencies may be involved.


All parents / carers are encouraged to be familiar with the Behaviour Levels and are expected to support their child (and the school) to achieve "green" behvaivour.   


The major change to the policy is the addition of the Pirton Hill Characteristics of Effective Learning (see section 4). 


As a school, we believe that it is important that children understand what effective learning behaviour looks like.  So, we have chosen to develop the “Pirton Hill Characteristics of Effective Learning” for this purpose.  


The Characteristics of Effective Learning are the ways in which a child engages with other people and the environment - playing and exploring, active learning, and creating and thinking critically.  These are statutory in Nursery and Reception but are not required to be developed or assessed from Year 1 onwards. However, as a school we believe these to be vital and are something we want to develop in all of our children. 


From April 2020, the “Pirton Hill Characteristics of Effective Learning” will be implemented through the school: displayed around the school, referred to by staff and explicitly developed through our PSHE curriculum and through our planned teaching and learning in other subjects. They will also be reported on to parents / carers bi-annually from September 2020. 


There are also some additional sections on:

  • The role of parents / carers in supporting behaviour (see section 8)
  • Our use of fixed-term and permanent exclusions (see section 9)
  • Our approach to the use of physical restraint (see section 11) 


The full policy is available here - CLICK HERE


A full version of the Behaviour Levels is available in the policy and also shown below.

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