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Charging Policy - September 2020 to August 2021

This week the governors have agreed the Charging and Remissions Policy for September 2020 to August 2021. This has been reviewed in line the strict rules about charging in schools and our School Vision and Values


Despite increasing costs, the governors have agreed to keep vast majority of the charges the same as this year. For example:


The one significant change - which will be a saving for most parents - is around extra-curricular activities. The charging structure for these will change from 1 September 2020 to £7 per club, per child, per half term.  These will be booked and paid for exclusively through the Weduc parent app.


The governors will continue to ask for voluntary contributions to cover the costs of education visits (trips), visitors and swimming. Pupils will not be treated differently according to whether or not their parents / carers have made any contribution in response to the invitation. However, where there are insufficient voluntary contributions to make an activity possible, then it will be cancelled. 


Click here to read the full Charging Policy (Sept 2020 - Aug 2021) 

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