Thank you to those parents / carers who attended our Behaviour Policy drop-in session on Friday (or spoke to use during the week if they could not attend the drop-in session). It is really useful for us to have feedback on how the revised policy is working for parents / carers.
We were really pleased with the feedback that we received and it reflects the improved behaviour that we have seen from the vast majority of children this year. And we were not inundated, which suggests that most parents / carers are happy and have no burning issues.
There are three things which we would like to follow up:
- We do understand that the behaviour of a minority of children in the community is a concern for some parents. We work hard to embed clear values and “good” behaviour in the children – with the aim that they will show these out of school too; this is most successful where parents / carers support these values and develop “good” behaviour at home too.
- As commented by one parent this week, parents / carers have agreed to support the school’s behaviour expectations via the Home / School Agreement! We also agree and feel that it would be a good time to ask all parents / carers to reread, and reconfirm their commitment to, the Home/ School Agreement. We will action this straight away… Keep your eyes open for this!
- Whilst we do not publicise the information, we have had a very small number of children who have had after-school detentions, internal exclusions or fixed-term exclusions since Christmas. We also have a small number of children on behaviour plans, which include parental meetings with their child’s phase leader. We will continue to use these sanctions for any child who does not meet the expectations outlined in the Behaviour Policy.
We plan to have another Behaviour Policy drop-in session at the start of next term but, of course, please speak to the school in the meantime if you have a question about the policy.