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End of Half Term Message

Thank you for all of your support this half term - it has been much appreciated. 



The high number of positive cases in our school community (108 since 6th January) have meant disruption to attendance, learning, school organisation (including clubs) and staffing; however, through the hard work and flexibility of our amazing staff team, and with your support, we have managed to keep all Reception - Year 6 classes open for the whole half term and the children making progress. 


The good news is that, thanks to parents / carers, children and staff using the onsite Mobile Testing Unit last week, we seem to have found almost all of the undetected cases and we have had no new linked cases this week. 😀 


We hope that things will be less challenging next half term! 


Next Half Term

As well as all of the exciting learning in class, we will be celebrating World Book Day (Friday 4th March) and a number of classes have visitors or visits booked on the calendar.


Our Year 5 & 6 Indoor Athletics Team will also be representing Luton at the County Finals...


And, coronavirus rules and case numbers permitting, we will have our first Mother's Day Afternoon Tea since 2019! 


So lots of exciting things to look forward to! 


Pupil Behaviour 

Well done to the vast majority of children who have shown good behaviour this half term; we are so proud of you. 👍 


And, if your child got all of their green, "well done" messages this half term, well done! 👏👏👏  


On the odd occasions where a child does not meet our behaviour expectations, the support of parents / carers is crucial.  Thank you to those parents / carers who have supported their child and the school in these instances. 


For a small minority of children who are struggling to meet our basic expectations we will be meeting with parents / carers next half term to devise behaviour plans so that we are all clear on what is expected of the child, the school and the parents / carers. These meetings will not be optional and will be on top of the sanctions that we already use (e.g. loss of lunchtime, after-school detention, internal exclusion, fixed-term exclusions


If you need a reminder, our behaviour expectations are available here 👉 Parent Guide to Behaviour 


School Uniform

Well done to the vast majority of children who have worn the correct uniform (inc. PE kit) every day this half term; we are so proud of you. 👍 


If you need a reminder, our uniform expectations are available here 👉 School Uniform 



Well done to the vast majority of children who have completed all of their homework this half term; we are so proud of you. 👍 


For all children, homework includes:

  • Reading at home (and earning a keyring [Early Years / KS1] or Star Reader Bug [KS2])
  • Numbots [Early Years / KS1] or TT Rockstars [KS2]


If you need a reminder, our homework expectations are available here 👉 Homework @ Pirton Hill


Children can still read and play Numbots / TT Rockstars over the half term break! 

don't forget to pre-order your child's hot school dinners on SchoolGrid

Welcome to our School

On behalf of all the staff, governors and children, welcome to our website which will give you a flavour of our school if you have any further enquiries then please contact the school.

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