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End of Week One!

A huge well done to the vast majority of pupils who have settled back into the new school year so well! 


We are so pleased that 313 pupils will be receiving a virtual green postcard today for consistently meeting our expectations this week. ⭐ These children have:

  • Worn the correct school uniform to school every day;
  • Had the correct equipment in school each day (e.g. PE Kit);
  • Shown Green Behaviour throughout the week (no Yellow or Red incidents in school or the community);
  • Completed their homework (Reading, Numbots/TT Rockstars [at least once a week] & other homework).


Year 1 -> Year 6 have earned over 8,300 house points this week - with the highest earners in each class receiving their reward today. 👏👏👏  


Hatters have taken an early lead in the house points race - don't forget, the house who earn the most house points this half term will have a non-uniform day at the end of this half term. 🏆


We have also been really impressed with how well our new Reception children have settled it - well done!  A particular well done to those Reception children who have earned a "Cool to Be Blue" certificate this week. 👏👏👏  


Unfortunately, we have had a couple of children who have chosen not to follow the school rules - which has meant we have already had one child with an after-school detention and one child excluded for one day. 😞 This is really disappointing so early in the term but it does emphasise that we are expecting all children to follow the school rules at all times...


As a reminder, the school rules are: 

  • Show pride in Pirton Hill and arrive ready to learn
  • Be kind and polite to others
  • Follow all adult instructions
  • Treat all school and community property with respect
  • Strive to be the best you can be


We hope that even more children will earn their virtual green postcard next week 🤞


Thank you for continuing to support your child to progress and make the right choices - you are making a real difference to their progress. 

don't forget to pre-order your child's hot school dinners on SchoolGrid

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On behalf of all the staff, governors and children, welcome to our website which will give you a flavour of our school if you have any further enquiries then please contact the school.

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House Points

  • Chiltern18298
  • Griffin22934
  • Hatters21058
  • Lea20087
1 7 5 4 0 0 website visitors