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First Aid in School

Occasionally, all children have accidents 🙁


As a school, like you do as parents / carers, we try our best to minimise these - the safety of children remains our top priority.  However, like you, we also want out children to be able to assess the risks themselves, as this is an important skill as they mature - so we don't wrap them in cotton wool! 


If a child does have an accident, we follow our First Aid Policy


Children will always be provided with first aid by a trained First Aider.  We have considerably more of these than most other schools (23 at the moment) to ensure that any child is never far away from a First Aider!   


First Aiders will reassure the child and deal with minor incidents by themselves.  They will record their actions in the First Aid book and, if it is a head injury, will ensure that the class teacher and parent (via a written note) are aware. On occasions, in the Early Years, Year 1 or Year 2, the First Aider will also send a note home for other minor cuts and grazes - partly to reassure the child and/or parent  and partly because younger children might not remember how they did it by home time! In Key Stage 2, we only notify parents / carers about minor injuries if they are related to the head.     


On the rare occasions we have serious accidents (for example, ones where the First Aider suspects a broken bone or that the child may need to see a medical professional) the First Aider will always speak to a senior leader in the school immediately and we will always contact parents / carers as soon as possible. If required, we would also contact the emergency services. 


As a school, we do monitor the first aid books to ensure that accidents are not linked to a certain game the children are playing or piece of equipment on the playground. 

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