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Parent Governor Election

We currently have vacancy for a Parent Governor on the Governing Body.


The governors’ work with the staff to promote high standards of academic achievement, set the strategic direction of the school and ensure the school serves the local community.  Being a governor is a voluntary role but can be very rewarding.  It does involve attending governor meetings, some reading in preparation for them and occasional visits into school.  


More information on the what governors do is available here:


Nominations should be sent to Mr Booth, via the school office, by 3pm on Monday 5th October, 2020, using the nomination form (available on WEDUC).


Parents who are nominated for election must be proposed and seconded in writing, with nominations being signed by the proposer and seconder.  The person nominated must also state in writing that he or she is willing to stand for election. 


The election is for a period of four years and those eligible to stand must be parents or guardians of pupils who are currently at this school.  The proposer and seconder must have a child currently in attendance at the school.  

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On behalf of all the staff, governors and children, welcome to our website which will give you a flavour of our school if you have any further enquiries then please contact the school.

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