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Renaissance Awards 2020

We are absolutely thrilled to have WON a Renaissance 2020 Award today!


The Renaissance Awards are annual awards to recognise the ingenuity, creativity and diligence of schools. The judges look at schools across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland and beyond to decide which schools, and which children, are using Accelerated Reader in the best possible ways - that's around 7,000 schools.


As you know, we use Accelerated Reader in Years 3 - Year 6... (more info available here...


And this year Pirton Hill have WON an award!


To win a national award is a huge credit to all of our collective hard work to improve reading at Pirton Hill - the determination of the children, the support that our parents / carers give their children at home and the perseverance of the staff!


huge well done to everyone! 

don't forget to pre-order your child's hot school dinners on SchoolGrid

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On behalf of all the staff, governors and children, welcome to our website which will give you a flavour of our school if you have any further enquiries then please contact the school.

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