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School Closure - Urgent Info

Following the government announcement that all schools are to close, I am writing to provide further information about the planning for the next few weeks.


After today it is expected that the vast majority of children will be ‘social distancing’ at home.  This is to slow the spread of the virus and to protect the vulnerable in society – which may be grandparents! It is essential that we all follow this advice; if it is ignored and we go about our lives as normal (e.g. going to the shops, children playing with friends on Hockwell Ring) we are putting ourselves and our loved ones at greater risk.  


Work packs will have been given out, or collected, by the end of Monday.  Further information will come home today regarding provision for Free School Meals.


The government have announced that, wherever possible, schools will remain open for ‘children with a social worker or EHC Plan’ or children of ‘key workers’. 


All parents / cares of ‘children with a social worker or EHC Plan’ will be contacted by the school today and the plan for their child explained.


A full definition of key workers is on the school website but in summary these are:

  • Health and Social Care Staff
  • School and Nursery Staff
  • Local and National Government (inc. justice)
  • Food production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery
  • Emergency Services Staff and Armed Forces
  • Essential Transport Staff and utilities, communication and finance staff


Please be aware that the government have stated that you do not need provision if:

1. There are two parents / carers in the household and one is not a key worker.  You must declare both are key workers.

2.  There is a responsible sibling over 18 years old in the house who has the capacity to ensure all children will be safe and well and complete school work during the day.


Please remember, the purpose of the school closure is to slow the spread of the virus. Sending in children, who could be at home, means we would be putting other children, school staff and families at risk.

If you are a key worker, and there is no one at home to look after your child(ren), please read the information below and speak to the school office ASAP – providing the required information, so that we can ensure that we have appropriate staff in place.


Please be aware:

  • Self-isolating guidance still applies.  If anyone in the household develops a new, continuous cough or a high temperate (37.8+) then the whole house must isolate for 14 days.
  • The school day will be 9.00am until 3.00pm for children in Reception to Year 6. For children in Nursery, the hours will be 9.00 until 12.00pm, as normal.
  • Children are expected to be in school for the whole of the session.
  • For the next two weeks, lunch arrangements will be the same – children can either bring a packed lunch or you can purchase a hot school meal (as normal).  Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will continue to get their fully-funded meal each day. If you think your child is entitled to a free school meal please tell the school office when you call.
  • Children are not required to wear school uniform 
  • Children will be completing a range of activities in mixed ability, mixed age groups - led by a range of different staff (not necessarily teachers).  These will have a purpose but the children will not be "taught" during this school closure.  
  • There will be no extra-curricular clubs or out-of-hours childcare provision (Early Birds / Night Owls). Any sessions already paid for will be credited against future sessions.


However, for children (Reception to Year 6) of key workers, we are able to offer a slightly extended day – if required.  You will be able to drop off from 8.00am and pick up by 4.00pm. Please note that breakfast will not be provided and that these will be supervised, relaxed sessions, with no planned activities.   


Children must be collected by “closing time”; there will be no staff cover after these hours.


If you are a key worker, and there are no other adults in the house to supervise your child, you must contact the school ASAP with the info below. You must also do this if you are currently self-isolating but will be finishing that period in the next 4 weeks:

  • Your occupation
  • Confirming that there are no other adults at home to supervise your child
  • Which days of the week you require the childcare for


These arrangements are in place for the next two weeks, although it is possible that – for key workers – the arrangements may be extended through the Easter holidays.  We will update all key workers on this next week.


Finally, I would like say a huge thank you to the staff team. They have been fantastic this week, keeping everything calm for the children, preparing home learning packs, trying to answer your questions, covering for colleagues self-isolating. And they are continuing to show amazing dedication to our community by doing their very best to provide this on-going childcare for key workers and vulnerable children over the next few weeks.


Thank you for your on-going support

don't forget to pre-order your child's hot school dinners on SchoolGrid

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