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Stamping out Racism

'A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim, or any other person.’ Stephen Lawrence Enquiry




  • As a school we promote the underlying British values of tolerance and mutual respect.
  • One of our school values is "We all believe in ourselves and know that everyone has something special to contribute."
  • One of our school aims is "create a safe environment where every member of the school community feels safe, valued and grows in confidence."
  • One of our school rules "Be kind and polite to others"


We have a very diverse school community - which we are very proud of and celebrate. Over 75% of our pupils are from an ethnic minority group and almost 60% of our pupils do not have English as their home language. Including English, 35 different languages are spoken by our children. 


Incidents of this nature are very rare but we will only be satisfied when they do not occur at all.  


Racist incidents are not acceptable and will be sanctioned in line with our Behaviour Policy


However, we don't want the incidents to occur in the first place. 


Please spend some time talking about racism at home with your child(ren) - so that they understand what it is and why it is unacceptable. This applies to all children; racist incidents can and do occur between any ethnic groups.  The NSPCC website is a useful place to start. 


Please also be aware that, whilst children may use a term such as "black" or "white" to describe their own appearance, if a term like this is used as part of an insult to someone else, it is a racist incident.


Thank you for your support on this matter.

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