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Year 3 - Year 6: Competition Time!

At the moment, world leaders are gathering in Glasgow for COP26 – an important meeting to discuss climate change.


To coincide with this important meeting, we have 10 copies of the Horrible Geography: Planet in Peril book to give away! 


To be in with a chance of winning a copy of this book, all your child has to do is to design a poster encouraging other children / adults to make small changes to protect the planet. 



  • This competition is only open to children in Year 3 - Year 6
  • The poster needs to be no bigger than A3 sized (twice as big as A4, photocopier paper)
  • It can be drawn, painted, collaged or even designed on the computer (but must be printed out)
  • It must have your child's name and class on the back
  • It must be handed in to your child's class teacher by 9.00am on Friday 12th November. 
  • Winners will be announced, and winning posters displayed, during w/c 15th November. 


We will be looking for the most eye-catching posters, which provide clear information and give other children / adults a few ideas about small changes to protect the planet.  


The BBC website also has a number of short videos which explain climate change to children and give some ideas about the small changes that they can make to protect the planet: 

Climate Change: What is it and why is everyone talking about it?

How does Food Impact the Environment?

Climate Change and Plastic Pollution

Climate Change: Your Questions Answered


Parent / carer information about COP 26 and Climate Change is available here -> Climate Change Information

don't forget to pre-order your child's hot school dinners on SchoolGrid

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