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Year 6 Covid Update - 17Jan22

We continue to experience a number of cases of COVID-19 within Year 6 and are continuing to monitor the situation closely with Luton Public Health.


Our school remains open and your child should continue to attend as normal, if they remain well.


As you know, we already have a number of control measures in place in school, including:

  • year group bubbles not mixing [indoors or outdoors];
  • increased ventilation in classrooms and children encouraged to wash their hands regularly; 
  • the school informing parents / carers when there is a positive case in school; 
  • staff wearing masks when moving around the school and testing at least twice a week;
  • parents / carers one-way system and encouraged to wear masks;
  • limited visitors in school (who must wear a face covering). 


We encourage all Year 6 children to do two things:


1) Take a lateral flow test ASAP, so that we can identify any more cases. 


2) Keep a safe distance from other children on the way to and from school. It is recognised that younger children come to school with a parent / carer who ensures that they keep a safe distance; many of the older children do not have an adult there to remind or regulate them.  


Hopefully, this will find any remaining cases and will stop the spread. 



If cases continue to rise in Year 6, we are advised that it might be necessary for Year 6 to: 

  • return to "class" bubbles (which will mean a short-term end to extra-curricular clubs, teams and will impact on Early Birds / Night Owls),
  • have a different start / finish time for a short period, or
  • return to remote learning for a short period (worst case scenario). 
don't forget to pre-order your child's hot school dinners on SchoolGrid

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